GET api/v1/devices/{id}
Gets the device specified by the id.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id | globally unique identifier |
Required |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
DeviceDtoName | Description | Type | Additional information |
StatusSummary |
Readonly status details for the device. |
string |
None. |
StatusSummaryFormat |
The text to use on the UI for summary details about the last measurement. |
string |
None. |
FieldDescriptors |
Provides descriptions of each of the fields. |
Collection of FieldDescriptorDto |
None. |
TwitterCard |
Details for an optional twitter card. |
TwitterCardDetailsDto |
None. |
AllowAnonymousView |
Allow anonymous users to view details of the device. |
boolean |
None. |
AllowAnonymousViewEvents |
Allow anonymous users to view events raised by the device. |
boolean |
None. |
AllowAnonymousViewStatus |
Allow anonymous view of status messages posted by the device. |
boolean |
None. |
AllowAnonymousViewLocation |
Allow anonymous view of the devices location (and changes in location) |
boolean |
None. |
Location |
The devices current location |
LocationDto |
None. |
Links |
Includes a link to the last measurement, status, self. |
Collection of LinkDto |
None. |
Actions |
Actionable links (e.g. export measurements) |
Collection of LinkDto |
None. |
Channels |
User defined list of channels (and what they are for). |
Collection of ChannelDto |
None. |
Battery |
Last recorded battery percentage |
BatteryLevelDto |
None. |
RfStrength |
RF Strength of the device (WiFi, Cellular, SigFox, etc.) |
RfStrengthDto |
None. |
Id |
The User's Id. |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
UserName |
@Name for user/device |
string |
None. |
FullUserName |
The full username (username.account) as needed for MQTT access. |
string |
None. |
DisplayName |
The friendly name for the user/device. |
string |
None. |
The email address to send updates to, and to link emailed status messages from. |
string |
None. |
EmailConfirmed |
If the users email address has been confirmed |
boolean |
None. |
EmailAliases |
List of possible email addresses that this account may post email as. |
Collection of string |
None. |
AllowDuplicateMessages |
If duplicate status post messages should be allowed. |
boolean |
None. |
Description |
Description. |
string |
None. |
Locked |
If this account has been locked. |
boolean |
None. |
DateAdded |
The date/time added. |
date |
None. |
Approved |
Indicates if the account has been approved by the administrator |
boolean |
None. |
AccessControl |
Access levels granted to the device. |
AccessControl |
None. |
Connected |
If the user/device/bot is connected (on-line) |
boolean |
None. |
IsReporting |
If the Member/Device has reported measurements or status posts within the defined time period. |
boolean |
None. |
LastReportedOn |
Last time the user/device "reported" - send a status message or measurement. |
date |
None. |
NotReportingAsOf |
When the user/device was flagged as not reporting |
date |
None. |
ExpectedActivityTimePeriodSeconds |
How long after the last measurement/status to flag the user/device as not reporting. In Seconds (standard is 1 day). |
integer |
None. |
Tags | Collection of string |
None. |
MetaTags |
Meta data tag - do not use - experimental. |
Collection of NameValueTagDto |
None. |
IsHidden |
Setting this true allows the device to be hidden from view but still active / have measurements stored. |
boolean |
None. |
LocationToleranceMeters |
The tolerance in Meters for location changes. |
decimal number |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json, application/senml+json
{ "StatusSummary": "sample string 1", "StatusSummaryFormat": "sample string 2", "FieldDescriptors": [ { "Index": 1, "Channel": 2, "Name": "sample string 3", "Label": "sample string 4", "Unit": "sample string 5", "Visible": true, "IncludeOnChart": true, "Rounding": 8, "ChartColor": "sample string 9", "TwitterCard": { "Card": 0, "Title": "sample string 1", "Description": "sample string 2", "TwitterCardImageStyle": 0, "ChartTemplateId": "b3c186ee-1a6a-4f03-8d97-909c656dffe8" }, "WorkingRange": { "Enabled": true, "Min": 2.0, "Max": 3.0, "BandColor": "sample string 4", "RangeStatus": { "RangeLevel": "Normal", "SetOn": "2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00" } }, "AcceptableRange": { "Enabled": true, "Min": 2.0, "Max": 3.0, "BandColor": "sample string 4", "RangeStatus": { "RangeLevel": "Normal", "SetOn": "2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00" } }, "Calibration": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": 2.0, "Slope": 3.0 }, "Tags": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "UseSecondAxis": true, "YAxis": 0, "Links": [ { "Href": "sample string 1", "Rel": "sample string 2", "Action": "sample string 3" }, { "Href": "sample string 1", "Rel": "sample string 2", "Action": "sample string 3" } ], "IsPrimary": true, "FieldType": 0, "DefaultChartType": 0, "UseAlgorithm": 0, "UserAlgorithm": "sample string 12", "Variables": [ { "Name": "sample string 1", "Value": "sample string 2" }, { "Name": "sample string 1", "Value": "sample string 2" } ], "StartDate": "2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00", "SetDeviceState": true, "OrderPosition": 1 }, { "Index": 1, "Channel": 2, "Name": "sample string 3", "Label": "sample string 4", "Unit": "sample string 5", "Visible": true, "IncludeOnChart": true, "Rounding": 8, "ChartColor": "sample string 9", "TwitterCard": { "Card": 0, "Title": "sample string 1", "Description": "sample string 2", "TwitterCardImageStyle": 0, "ChartTemplateId": "b3c186ee-1a6a-4f03-8d97-909c656dffe8" }, "WorkingRange": { "Enabled": true, "Min": 2.0, "Max": 3.0, "BandColor": "sample string 4", "RangeStatus": { "RangeLevel": "Normal", "SetOn": "2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00" } }, "AcceptableRange": { "Enabled": true, "Min": 2.0, "Max": 3.0, "BandColor": "sample string 4", "RangeStatus": { "RangeLevel": "Normal", "SetOn": "2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00" } }, "Calibration": { "Enabled": true, "Offset": 2.0, "Slope": 3.0 }, "Tags": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "UseSecondAxis": true, "YAxis": 0, "Links": [ { "Href": "sample string 1", "Rel": "sample string 2", "Action": "sample string 3" }, { "Href": "sample string 1", "Rel": "sample string 2", "Action": "sample string 3" } ], "IsPrimary": true, "FieldType": 0, "DefaultChartType": 0, "UseAlgorithm": 0, "UserAlgorithm": "sample string 12", "Variables": [ { "Name": "sample string 1", "Value": "sample string 2" }, { "Name": "sample string 1", "Value": "sample string 2" } ], "StartDate": "2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00", "SetDeviceState": true, "OrderPosition": 1 } ], "TwitterCard": { "Card": 0, "Title": "sample string 1", "Description": "sample string 2", "TwitterCardImageStyle": 0, "ChartTemplateId": "b3c186ee-1a6a-4f03-8d97-909c656dffe8" }, "AllowAnonymousView": true, "AllowAnonymousViewEvents": true, "AllowAnonymousViewStatus": true, "AllowAnonymousViewLocation": true, "Location": { "Name": "sample string 1", "Latitude": 2.1, "Longitude": 3.1, "Elevation": 4.1, "WellKnownLocationId": "a817996c-c0ff-4ca2-beb0-8698858dc045", "LastUpdated": "2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00" }, "Links": [ { "Href": "sample string 1", "Rel": "sample string 2", "Action": "sample string 3" }, { "Href": "sample string 1", "Rel": "sample string 2", "Action": "sample string 3" } ], "Actions": [ { "Href": "sample string 1", "Rel": "sample string 2", "Action": "sample string 3" }, { "Href": "sample string 1", "Rel": "sample string 2", "Action": "sample string 3" } ], "Channels": [ { "Channel": 1, "Name": "sample string 2", "Hidden": true, "Deleted": true }, { "Channel": 1, "Name": "sample string 2", "Hidden": true, "Deleted": true } ], "Battery": { "Percentage": 1, "Value": 2.0, "LastUpdated": "2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00" }, "RfStrength": { "Strength": 1, "Value": 2.0, "LastUpdated": "2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00" }, "Id": "aca718fb-0fea-4c6d-a606-1fb82adc8bce", "UserName": "sample string 8", "FullUserName": "sample string 9", "DisplayName": "sample string 10", "Email": "sample string 11", "EmailConfirmed": true, "EmailAliases": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "AllowDuplicateMessages": true, "Description": "sample string 14", "Locked": true, "DateAdded": "2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00", "Approved": true, "AccessControl": "None", "Connected": true, "IsReporting": true, "LastReportedOn": "2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00", "NotReportingAsOf": "2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00", "ExpectedActivityTimePeriodSeconds": 20, "Tags": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "MetaTags": [ { "Name": "sample string 1", "Value": "sample string 2", "NumericValue": 1.0, "LastUpdated": "2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00" }, { "Name": "sample string 1", "Value": "sample string 2", "NumericValue": 1.0, "LastUpdated": "2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00" } ], "IsHidden": true, "LocationToleranceMeters": 1.1 }
application/xml, text/xml
<DeviceViewModel xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <AccessControl xmlns="">None</AccessControl> <AllowDuplicateMessages xmlns="">true</AllowDuplicateMessages> <Approved xmlns="">true</Approved> <Connected xmlns="">true</Connected> <DateAdded xmlns="">2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00</DateAdded> <Description xmlns="">sample string 14</Description> <DisplayName xmlns="">sample string 10</DisplayName> <Email xmlns="">sample string 11</Email> <EmailAliases xmlns:d2p1="" xmlns=""> <d2p1:string>sample string 1</d2p1:string> <d2p1:string>sample string 2</d2p1:string> </EmailAliases> <EmailConfirmed xmlns="">true</EmailConfirmed> <ExpectedActivityTimePeriodSeconds xmlns="">20</ExpectedActivityTimePeriodSeconds> <FullUserName xmlns="">sample string 9</FullUserName> <Id xmlns="">aca718fb-0fea-4c6d-a606-1fb82adc8bce</Id> <IsHidden xmlns="">true</IsHidden> <IsReporting xmlns="">true</IsReporting> <LastReportedOn xmlns="">2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00</LastReportedOn> <LocationToleranceMeters xmlns="">1.1</LocationToleranceMeters> <Locked xmlns="">true</Locked> <MetaTags xmlns=""> <NameValueTagDto> <LastUpdated>2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00</LastUpdated> <Name>sample string 1</Name> <NumericValue>1</NumericValue> <Value>sample string 2</Value> </NameValueTagDto> <NameValueTagDto> <LastUpdated>2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00</LastUpdated> <Name>sample string 1</Name> <NumericValue>1</NumericValue> <Value>sample string 2</Value> </NameValueTagDto> </MetaTags> <NotReportingAsOf xmlns="">2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00</NotReportingAsOf> <Tags xmlns:d2p1="" xmlns=""> <d2p1:string>sample string 1</d2p1:string> <d2p1:string>sample string 2</d2p1:string> </Tags> <UserName xmlns="">sample string 8</UserName> <Actions xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:LinkViewModel> <d2p1:Action>sample string 3</d2p1:Action> <d2p1:Href>sample string 1</d2p1:Href> <d2p1:Rel>sample string 2</d2p1:Rel> </d2p1:LinkViewModel> <d2p1:LinkViewModel> <d2p1:Action>sample string 3</d2p1:Action> <d2p1:Href>sample string 1</d2p1:Href> <d2p1:Rel>sample string 2</d2p1:Rel> </d2p1:LinkViewModel> </Actions> <AllowAnonymousView>true</AllowAnonymousView> <AllowAnonymousViewEvents>true</AllowAnonymousViewEvents> <AllowAnonymousViewLocation>true</AllowAnonymousViewLocation> <AllowAnonymousViewStatus>true</AllowAnonymousViewStatus> <Battery> <LastUpdated>2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00</LastUpdated> <Percentage>1</Percentage> <Value>2</Value> </Battery> <Channels> <ChannelDto> <Channel>1</Channel> <Deleted>true</Deleted> <Hidden>true</Hidden> <Name>sample string 2</Name> </ChannelDto> <ChannelDto> <Channel>1</Channel> <Deleted>true</Deleted> <Hidden>true</Hidden> <Name>sample string 2</Name> </ChannelDto> </Channels> <FieldDescriptors> <FieldDescriptorDto> <AcceptableRange> <BandColor>sample string 4</BandColor> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <Max>3</Max> <Min>2</Min> <RangeStatus> <RangeLevel>Normal</RangeLevel> <SetOn>2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00</SetOn> </RangeStatus> </AcceptableRange> <Calibration> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <Offset>2</Offset> <Slope>3</Slope> </Calibration> <Channel>2</Channel> <ChartColor>sample string 9</ChartColor> <DefaultChartType>LineChart</DefaultChartType> <FieldType>Measured</FieldType> <IncludeOnChart>true</IncludeOnChart> <Index>1</Index> <IsPrimary>true</IsPrimary> <Label>sample string 4</Label> <Links xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:LinkViewModel> <d4p1:Action>sample string 3</d4p1:Action> <d4p1:Href>sample string 1</d4p1:Href> <d4p1:Rel>sample string 2</d4p1:Rel> </d4p1:LinkViewModel> <d4p1:LinkViewModel> <d4p1:Action>sample string 3</d4p1:Action> <d4p1:Href>sample string 1</d4p1:Href> <d4p1:Rel>sample string 2</d4p1:Rel> </d4p1:LinkViewModel> </Links> <Name>sample string 3</Name> <OrderPosition>1</OrderPosition> <Rounding>8</Rounding> <SetDeviceState>true</SetDeviceState> <StartDate>2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00</StartDate> <Tags xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:string>sample string 1</d4p1:string> <d4p1:string>sample string 2</d4p1:string> </Tags> <TwitterCard xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:Card>SummaryLargeImage</d4p1:Card> <d4p1:ChartTemplateId>b3c186ee-1a6a-4f03-8d97-909c656dffe8</d4p1:ChartTemplateId> <d4p1:Description>sample string 2</d4p1:Description> <d4p1:Title>sample string 1</d4p1:Title> <d4p1:TwitterCardImageStyle>LineChartOnly</d4p1:TwitterCardImageStyle> </TwitterCard> <Unit>sample string 5</Unit> <UseAlgorithm>KelvinToCelcius</UseAlgorithm> <UseSecondAxis>true</UseSecondAxis> <UserAlgorithm>sample string 12</UserAlgorithm> <Variables> <ComputedFieldVariableDto> <Name>sample string 1</Name> <Value>sample string 2</Value> </ComputedFieldVariableDto> <ComputedFieldVariableDto> <Name>sample string 1</Name> <Value>sample string 2</Value> </ComputedFieldVariableDto> </Variables> <Visible>true</Visible> <WorkingRange> <BandColor>sample string 4</BandColor> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <Max>3</Max> <Min>2</Min> <RangeStatus> <RangeLevel>Normal</RangeLevel> <SetOn>2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00</SetOn> </RangeStatus> </WorkingRange> <YAxis>Unknown</YAxis> </FieldDescriptorDto> <FieldDescriptorDto> <AcceptableRange> <BandColor>sample string 4</BandColor> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <Max>3</Max> <Min>2</Min> <RangeStatus> <RangeLevel>Normal</RangeLevel> <SetOn>2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00</SetOn> </RangeStatus> </AcceptableRange> <Calibration> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <Offset>2</Offset> <Slope>3</Slope> </Calibration> <Channel>2</Channel> <ChartColor>sample string 9</ChartColor> <DefaultChartType>LineChart</DefaultChartType> <FieldType>Measured</FieldType> <IncludeOnChart>true</IncludeOnChart> <Index>1</Index> <IsPrimary>true</IsPrimary> <Label>sample string 4</Label> <Links xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:LinkViewModel> <d4p1:Action>sample string 3</d4p1:Action> <d4p1:Href>sample string 1</d4p1:Href> <d4p1:Rel>sample string 2</d4p1:Rel> </d4p1:LinkViewModel> <d4p1:LinkViewModel> <d4p1:Action>sample string 3</d4p1:Action> <d4p1:Href>sample string 1</d4p1:Href> <d4p1:Rel>sample string 2</d4p1:Rel> </d4p1:LinkViewModel> </Links> <Name>sample string 3</Name> <OrderPosition>1</OrderPosition> <Rounding>8</Rounding> <SetDeviceState>true</SetDeviceState> <StartDate>2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00</StartDate> <Tags xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:string>sample string 1</d4p1:string> <d4p1:string>sample string 2</d4p1:string> </Tags> <TwitterCard xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:Card>SummaryLargeImage</d4p1:Card> <d4p1:ChartTemplateId>b3c186ee-1a6a-4f03-8d97-909c656dffe8</d4p1:ChartTemplateId> <d4p1:Description>sample string 2</d4p1:Description> <d4p1:Title>sample string 1</d4p1:Title> <d4p1:TwitterCardImageStyle>LineChartOnly</d4p1:TwitterCardImageStyle> </TwitterCard> <Unit>sample string 5</Unit> <UseAlgorithm>KelvinToCelcius</UseAlgorithm> <UseSecondAxis>true</UseSecondAxis> <UserAlgorithm>sample string 12</UserAlgorithm> <Variables> <ComputedFieldVariableDto> <Name>sample string 1</Name> <Value>sample string 2</Value> </ComputedFieldVariableDto> <ComputedFieldVariableDto> <Name>sample string 1</Name> <Value>sample string 2</Value> </ComputedFieldVariableDto> </Variables> <Visible>true</Visible> <WorkingRange> <BandColor>sample string 4</BandColor> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <Max>3</Max> <Min>2</Min> <RangeStatus> <RangeLevel>Normal</RangeLevel> <SetOn>2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00</SetOn> </RangeStatus> </WorkingRange> <YAxis>Unknown</YAxis> </FieldDescriptorDto> </FieldDescriptors> <Links xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:LinkViewModel> <d2p1:Action>sample string 3</d2p1:Action> <d2p1:Href>sample string 1</d2p1:Href> <d2p1:Rel>sample string 2</d2p1:Rel> </d2p1:LinkViewModel> <d2p1:LinkViewModel> <d2p1:Action>sample string 3</d2p1:Action> <d2p1:Href>sample string 1</d2p1:Href> <d2p1:Rel>sample string 2</d2p1:Rel> </d2p1:LinkViewModel> </Links> <Location xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:Elevation>4.1</d2p1:Elevation> <d2p1:LastUpdated>2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00</d2p1:LastUpdated> <d2p1:Latitude>2.1</d2p1:Latitude> <d2p1:Longitude>3.1</d2p1:Longitude> <d2p1:Name>sample string 1</d2p1:Name> <d2p1:WellKnownLocationId>a817996c-c0ff-4ca2-beb0-8698858dc045</d2p1:WellKnownLocationId> </Location> <RfStrength> <LastUpdated>2025-03-14T17:11:45.1044069+00:00</LastUpdated> <Strength>1</Strength> <Value>2</Value> </RfStrength> <StatusSummary>sample string 1</StatusSummary> <StatusSummaryFormat>sample string 2</StatusSummaryFormat> <TwitterCard xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:Card>SummaryLargeImage</d2p1:Card> <d2p1:ChartTemplateId>b3c186ee-1a6a-4f03-8d97-909c656dffe8</d2p1:ChartTemplateId> <d2p1:Description>sample string 2</d2p1:Description> <d2p1:Title>sample string 1</d2p1:Title> <d2p1:TwitterCardImageStyle>LineChartOnly</d2p1:TwitterCardImageStyle> </TwitterCard> </DeviceViewModel>